Okay. Within c:\[user]\AppData\Roaming\IK Multimedia there was a cookie file.

IK Tech Support advised to delete it. I did that and then was able to authorize SampleTank. Who knew?

On the PG Music side. Tech support had no explanation and we did not get to the bottom of it. Even after authorizing SampleTank, I still experience glitches of the sort I describe within this thread. I experienced them today while chatting online with PG Music. In one particular project I got memory errors. So far just in that one project though. New projects appear to be immune, but I'm not declaring success as I had at least one glitch in a new project.

I uninstalled/re-installed again...I'm moving on and hoping that nothing catastrophic occurs.

One thing PG Tech Support did say is that Coyote WT should be the default synth.

All I know for sure is that after installing 2015 for the first time, I had no trouble until I opened an older existing project.

Thanks for your time.