Not as glamorous as a Led Zep tour, but I've been reading a lot online lately about people using the power of the internet to find and book venues along an itinerary, then travel from gig to gig, letting the venues fund the travel.

If gas and food are your main expenses, you can travel quite inexpensively. Depending on what you drive (is it big enough to sleep in?) you can often pull over to sleep at rest stops and many WalMarts will allow overnights in the far reaches of their parking lots, assuming you don't do anything stupid like build a campfire to make breakfast. Depending on how much you get for the gigs, you'd probably do well to pay for real sleeping accommodations. I mention the other route in the spirit of adventure.

"An adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered"

Lots of places have WIFI, so you can stay in touch with the world as you travel. Or book gigs in real time as you go wherever the spirit leads you. A GPS, Cell phone, WIFI and spirit of adventure can open up some mighty big doors.