Hi spacedog,

WOW!!!! This is very inspirational music. Your attention to melodic and orchestral development is fantastic. Such a great use of midi. I found it very easy to hear how an orchestra would sound playing this composition.

I thought that there are some very inspired lines/phrases in these lyrics. Those I admired most were...

Born in a dream

Our harbor of life in the deep void of space

Technologies’ march left us frail and exposed

On a furious fire she launched through the sky

In the darkest of storms just look toward the sun

... it must have taken quite a bit of thinking to come up with those. Well worth the effort, though.

I loved the 6/8 feel. I loved the uplifting feelings of awe and majesty that swept through me when you launched into the chorus and the finale. It really was like "lift off"!

All the best,

Audiophile BIAB 2024