Originally Posted By: Ron Becker

So my question is this. Will buying a 149 dollar usb sound box make my biab real tracks sound any better? I do not need to record into the laptop. I use a mac/DP8, and a very good motu interface via PCIX to take care of that. The pc is just for gigs and practice. If I use an isolation transformer the ground hum from the usb i/o goes away. Other than upgraded i/o via quarter inch or XLR what would I gain with the Focusrite 2i2 or some other similar product? Thanks for your time.


If you are not recording into a laptop, NO. If you are recording into a computer, YES. Kind of...

The sound quality from the cheap cards is, for all intents and purposes, nearly identical since digital is digital no matter what the card. There might be some slight sonic differences due to various circuit designs in the amps.

The bigger gain with a dedicated "pro-quality" USB interface is that in a computer, it can use the ASIO driver to better handle the multi-track tasks and process the synths in a timely real time manner. Latency is reduced to imperceptible levels.

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You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.