
Peter Gannon specifically mentions the 'Trade 4' option as point #3. Apparently this does work with RTs.

In your two scenarios above, I use both options regularly. When I create a song, if I have an instrumental section (usually 8 bars), then I use the Soloist dialogue and generate and regenerate the solo over those 8 bars. I do this because 8 bars generate much quicker than a whole song. This makes it much easier for me to test multiple generations and multiple RTs. If any standout generations occur along the way, I always save those for potential later use.

When I settle on the RT that I think most suited, I then place it on a track and generate it for the entire length of the song. Because I assemble my songs in Reaper, I prefer having a full length audio file because it gives me greater control; it's also a source of additional soloist material that I can copy and paste and thread through the mix.

At the end of my process, I have not found any differences between which way the solo is generated.


Audiophile BIAB 2024