First, Eddie, I am taking something of a liberty by using what I understand of your perspective to make some points. Please understand I am not in any way having a go at you, but I am "using" you smirk

Now, I know Eddie has some disdain for cover bands, and prefers to listen to original music. Fair enough, we all have our preferences. I only mention that to provide a foundation for this. I don't care if what I'm playing is original or not.

I primarily play for 3 reasons:
1) I simply enjoy "blowin' my horn", especially if I have managed to get better at it. I know I'm no "expert" whatever one of those is, in fact I consider myself a marginally talented hack, but I still have fun, no matter what genre I end up playing. Strangely, I even enjoy playing stuff I would never bother listening too - I really don't get that...

2) I really enjoy being involved with other musicians as we play our parts in making a musical "whole" out of what we are playing. Hence my preference for bands and not solo work. I regularly play in 3 "Big Bands", a concert band and a smallish (average of 8 pieces) jazz band. I also play all the amateur musical theatre productions I can ensconce myself in, and occasionally dep. in another concert band. I'm also involved in a brass band and wouldn't mind spending some time in a symphony orchestra if I can manage to make the opportunity. I would REALLY love to be able to play in a "house band" for something like the "*** Idol" or "*** got talent" TV shows - this connects to point 3 below...

3) I really enjoy entertaining people and generally am happy to play what the crowd wants, as far as I can, simply because that's what they want. There are some limitations here, though. Sadly, I have very occasionally committed myself to a gig and discovered that the "show" wasn't what I was expecting - because I gave my word I played the gig, but didn't enjoy it.

Now, I think Eddie would fully understand points 1 and 2 but I'm not sure he would agree with point 3. Unless I've completely misunderstood what he's been writing, I think he would consider the 3rd a "sell out" a) because I would be pandering to the crowd instead of my own preferences. and b) because I have played things I didn't like (even though it was because my word is important to me)

FWIW I agree with the simple definition:
Saying "I would never..." and then doing it for gain (usually financial) is selling out. I don't think anything else is...

--=-- My credo: If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing - just ask my missus, she'll tell ya laugh --=--
You're only paranoid if you're wrong!