I will click on a bar to highlight, and BIAB starts playing the song

I'm not sure how you are going about selecting and highlighting a single bar. In BIAB, the only way that I know to highlight one bar is to drag the mouse across two bars and, keeping the mouse button down, dragging it back to the first bar.

  • For example... if I want to highlight bar 15, I'll left-click on bar 15, keep the left mouse button down, drag the mouse cursor across bar 16 (now both bars 15 and 16 are highlighted) and, keeping the mouse button down, drag the mouse cursor back to bar 15.

The behaviour you describe sounds like the mouse button is effectively being double-clicked (double-clicking will cause BIAB to play from the current position).

After choosing printing to .pdf, to double check what the song will look like after I print, I look at the song in Lead Sheet mode. Looks OK. I choose Print and what happens? Up comes the same dialogue box that pops up when you choose Print to .pdf

Lead sheet mode is not fully "what you see is what you get". If you want to see what the printout looks like, it's best to use Print Preview. If I understand you correctly, by exiting the printer dialogue box and going back to Lead Sheet Mode, you are effectively closing down the "I'm going to print" routine. This means that when you click on "Print" again, you are starting up this routine from scratch again.

I don't use the pdf printer that BIAB supplies so my ability to guide you through this is limited. I have Bullzip pdf printer installed (it's free). To use Bullzip, I simply select it as the printer to print to from the "Setup Printer" option and then print to a file.

Hopefully these thoughts help.


Audiophile BIAB 2024