Hi J&B,

Thank you for taking the time to listen. It is fun learning this software...work, but fun work.

About the vocal issue:

Last year a huge sword fish knocked all my teeth out and I now have a mouth full of plastic teeth. I am still re-learning how to talk...lol...must less sing...lol

Well, I did get to eat the fish...lol

Of all the things a person can do in the music world, I guess singing is the most personal and emotional. I seldom get uncomfortable if I mess up a guitar solo or my piano playing is out of time.

I have finally over the years got used to the sound of my own voice for better or worse. Singing on stage is a one time event; recording is for ever...lol

It is people like you who give me the courage to continue and I really appreciate the kind words.

Thanks so much,


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo