Thanks Greg,

I am still very much in the experimental stage of learning how to use BB. I am trying out different styles of music, not so much because I am attracted to a style but just to see what BB will do.

Hi Charlie,

Thanks for the kind words. I guess this is sort of a demo tune. I am sure the people who do demos for BB have much greater skill sets than I do and come up with better tunes.

I used the Bossa style because it gave me the chance to experiment with a little more complex chord forms, major7 #11 for example to see how the solos would follow those chords.

I have a hard rock tune finished except for the vocals and a Reggae tune I am finishing up in this experimental stage of the learning curve using BB.

I think I will soon come to the point I know what I can use BB for.



New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo