Originally Posted By: RichMac
Good one! Good fun. Very fine outro.
Enjoyed it all. Cheers.
Thank you, doing the harmonies at the end was fun!

Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Hey, thanks for posting this. I like Reggae and want to hear more examples.

Cool vocals by the way.


Thank you Billy.

Originally Posted By: floyd jane

I'm with Mario on this. I lilke everything about this...

Reggae was a great place to take this.
Cool write.
Excellent vocal.
Excellent arrangement. Nice mix.


Thank you floyd it's fun to work in different styles

Originally Posted By: ROG
Hi Lawrence.

The backing is wonderful, but what's even better is your vocal performance.

What a great track and at the same time, refreshingly different.

Had to listen again.

Thank you Rog. Glad you enjoyed it