Originally Posted By: gibson
I enjoyed that,
everything fits so well,
Janice, Tom and Bud, I listen to your songs and for those few minutes life is so good

thank you laugh


Alyn, that is a very kind comment! Thank you very much.


Originally Posted By: c_fogle
Wonderful job all around. Everything is perfect for the genre. It looks like video will soon be pulling at the rest of us to up our game. Video really adds a lot to the overall experience.


Thanks Charlie. Lyric videos are definitely the easier way to go. Mine are a work in progress. About every time I start one I've forgotten half that I learned from the previous one! Another product of aging.....


Originally Posted By: mwgilbert
I really like the juxtaposition of the swamp rock sound with the more urban beats. A really good sound and production. Great listen!

Thanks, those drums juxtaposed with Tom's guitar was all his idea...and, yep, it was a good one!