Hi Kenny,

You had me as soon as I read the title! I immediately thought "what a great topic for a song"

Everybody wants to find a universal theme that people identify with on at least some level, and this song's lyrics are a virtual collection of such themes...

How many literary or movie plots are based on the desire to come up with a plan to change one's own destiny, to rise up from a difficult situation... ?

or even apart from all that... I think everybody has fantasized about going to vegas and partying until the money is gone! But most of us never do, so a song that lets us do it vicariously through your tragic character satisfies some part of that yearning in us.

I like your stylized vocals... they are quite distinctive, and that's a good thing.

Total agreement with all the other observations, particularly Greg's. He has a way of making the same observations I would make, but he always beats me and says them first! wink

I haven't been very active on the forum lately, so this may be the first of your songs that I've heard... but now I look forward to hearing more!