Originally Posted By: David Snyder
It could be because I had the vocals cranked WAY over the edge. I turned them. Should be better now.


Hey David... for future reference, man I wouldn't EVER change anything in one of your songs based on my comments! I tend to remark on how the song made me FEEL, and that has very little to do with the quality or structure of anything... it probably says more about whether or not I've had coffee recently... LOL!

You do great work, stand your ground and (at least where I'm concerned) consider my comments to be nothing more than a first impression. Reviewing the same song tomorrow after three cups of coffee, I'm likely to hear it in a completely different way!

In general, music reviews remind me of the ancient fable attributed to Aesop: http://www.bartleby.com/17/1/62.html

Moral of the story is that public opinion goes in every direction at once, and when used as a roadmap, it tends to lead you in circles.