No, no, no, no...How quickly we forget what? That thread is a joke.

Jeesh, where do I start? First I'm not about to answer all of these so let's just start with the first one.

The transpose up a half step function. Did you not read Peters answer? Do you not after all this time and use with the program understand how RT's work? It's been explained only 99 thousand GAZILLION times. The RT's take time to generate. Period. Time, you know? Like ticks on your watch? How can you expect the program to generate INSTANTLY a constantly transposing RT woodshed session? Peter told you, use midi for that or buy yourself a $3,000 high end top of the line Intel i7 with a fast SSD so the RT's can generate in a split second. Not a bug.

The next thing is ASIO4ALL. It does NOT work well with everybody, just check out other DAW forums. And besides ASIO4ALL is a completely separate and FREE 3rd party program that you use at your own risk anyway and it most definitely is NOT an advertised feature of Biab. It's merely something to try if you're having latency issues. What serious home studio musicians do is spend the money for a good guality audio/midi interface that has a well known ASIO driver. That's the driver you use. ASIO4ALL is for people running old and slow machines and won't spend the money for the right stuff. I use a Roland Sonic Cell with the Roland ASIO driver. Works fine. People revere and miss Mac. He posted many times he was getting under 10ms of latency with these programs but it took some work which he described in detail. Not a bug.

Third, is all the crabbing about display issues. Most of that is your screen resolution which Cerio glossed over in that so called bug thread. This is the way it is in the modern world with all kinds of software. Programs get more and more complex and they require bigger screen real estate. If you insist on running a small screen then you have to increase the resolution to the point you need a big magnifying glass to see anything. That's all there is to that. If all you have is a 17" laptop well, good luck...Not a bug.

Then all this constant stuff about menu organization and all that. Yes, that could use some work but is that a bug? Of course not. PG doesn't advertise that we'll all love the menu system. Not a bug.

Want to mess with menu's? Try using Word to crop a picture or embed something or work with columns and boxes if you've never done it before and you go menu surfing. Absolute nightmare. Talk about unintuitive.

Since I haven't gone through and analyzed each and every one of those items in that thread, maybe some are true bugs but I doubt it.

Oh, Save and Save As. Do you know what Save As is for? It works as it should and is different from Save. Calling that a bug when apparantly you don't understand this basic Windows function is ridiculous.

Another one the VST save thing. That was recently answered in detail on the forum. Not a bug, you just don't understand how it works.

I using the word "you" generically when I think I should be referring to Cerio because that thread is all him or mostly him but, whatever.

Yes I know I'm coming on strong but when I see ignorant stuff like this it just....well you know.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.