I probably misstated the problem. The problem is not with Reaper. The problem is getting the export function to export the individual tracks as waves.

I have plenty of horsepower with dell tower 64x, windows 10, BIAB 2016 x32 updated today.

I haven't tried support yet because usually the first question is have you tried the forums.

The problem does not occur with every song. I am wondering if DXi is installed correctly. I might need to go thru that again as I get a "no DXi installed" message when trying to set the DXi up. However, I installed all six dvds directly to the hard drive. I still get that message about coyote. Play back is fine.

The song has a mixture of real tracks and midi. The program is very handy for designing harmonies for vocals. That's another story.

Let me know if you come up. I will contact support as well. I like BIAB for arranging songs and building vocal parts as well. But it is useless to me if I can't get the wave export function back.



Thanks for the quick response.