Hi Lee,

The options BIAB mentions are simply the possible ways that you might wish to use the information.

One reason that Excel might treat the two processes slightly differently is because one is via the clipboard from a Windows application and the second is by using a .txt file.

To double-check this, do what I suggested in my above post. When Notepad opens, save the Notepad file as a txt file (maybe on your desktop for convenience). Then open that txt file and see if it makes a difference.

If the "#NAME?" error does not occurring when you open a .txt file, there shouldn't be any need to use find and replace. I'm surprised that you are getting the ' in a cell. I was not aware that Excel showed that when it was used in the leading position.

  • Just to clarify... have you been using the single quote mark ' found beneath " and not the ` sign found under the ~ symbol? Also, the " marks should not be used in the replace data box. I only used them to make what I'd typed stand out in the text.

I'm glad you got the formatting worked out.

In relation to 42464, that is occurring because Excel is interpreting 4/4 as the date April 4 2016. To correct this, simply select the column and use Find and Replace to replace 42464 with '4/4 (the leading single quote mark is necessary to stop the autoformat).


Audiophile BIAB 2024