Hey Floyd,

I listened to it again last night (I have listened to it about 5 times actually) and I didn't hear it as much, it sounded about right.

Not quite sure why. It could have been my ears were fried the first time from a long day of listening and recording, or that I got a "bad stream" but you are not streaming so that doesn't make sense. Anyway,maybe my mind was playing tricks one me.

I can say that from listening to your catalog as a whole, I have always been impressed by the rich acoustic balance, the sound separation, and the dynamic range, as I said before. You can actually hear each instrument occupying a distinct spot in the mix, and that is quite astonishing these days and times. So maybe I had some "ghost reference" in my head the first time I heard it. Dunno.

Anyway, I am a big fan, so I will continue to look for feedback that might be helpful in the mix of your forthcoming songs, since the songwriting ability is unquestionable. As an FYI, I keep a log of your comments and others on the forum for all of my songs and use them whenever I remix stuff before I ever do any final versions. I find them to be invaluable that way. Like having a whole team of engineers in your room. :

Well, take care, and again, great song!!