Dear Dr. Gannon:
Wonderful concept -sub par implementation. I have been using Band in a Box for 8 years and Real Band for almost 2 years. I am now convinced that your software is not written well. I have changed my computer and re-installed and rebooted enough to know that the problem is with the software and not with me or my system. The software crashes, gives many error messages, loses data while I am editing and does not perform functions as promised. I have spent hours on the phone with your tech support people who are nice and try to help- however a phone conversation will never solve the inherent problems with your code.

I do not feel comfortable spending more money with you by purchasing new Real Tracks until you fix the core problems with the programming. That would be like over-tipping a lousy waitress-it would be encouraging poor service.

Brand new HP Pav laptop Core i5 2.67 gHz 6 gb ram 500gb 7200rpm hd