Thanks Bob, interesting read.

My simplistic approach is to rough out the mix with the level from my monitors at approximately 80db avg at my ears. Why, because my audiologist told me that if I wanted to keep what's left of my old phart hearing I should never exceed that.

After that I just kick back and try to mix as though I was listening to a live band playing my production with me sitting in the center of the stage about 4 rows back. When all seems "right" with the track levels and effects I kick in one of five Ozone 6 mastering presets that I know how to slightly tweak. I just try to hear if the amount of headroom is "right" and not overly rely on the meters.

No paralysis by analysis for me. Folks whom I respect tell me that my mixes sound "open," "airy," "live," so I just hope I'm doing something "right" and let go at that. One caveat is that my productions are minimalist with typically only 4-8 tracks other than vocals. Perhaps that facilitates my equally minimalist approach. Whatever...I'm just pretending I know what the hell I'm doing. grin