Hi Mark.

Thanks for the file. It made finding a solution much easier.

As it turns out, the harmony is easily removed in this instance. The person who created the file has used BIAB created harmony that's found under the "Harmony" menu item. Fortunately, they had not written it to the Melody track.

My solution...

The information that I give below is from BIAB (Windows). It will be similar for BIAB (Mac).

When I clicked on the "Harmony" menu and selected "Melody Harmony"...

... I could see that Harmony #151 had been selected.

All that I needed to do was to scroll to the top of the harmony selection window and select "<no harmony>".

After that, I simply changed the midi sound (patch) on the Melody track to piano and all was fine.

NOTE: I didn't pick it up from the image in your original post (I was slow!), but if you look at the mixer window, it's possible to see all this information on the Melody track. (20/20 hindsight, I guess!)


Audiophile BIAB 2024