Journey-Arnel does a GREAT job! He ads A LOT of energy to them live as well. If you get a chance, check out some of his videos prior to the band. There are many of him live, and that guy can sing almost anything!

I had a fun discussion with someone when right after Arnel joined the band...

He said "I really like the original Journey line up!"

I simply asked, "Really? Before Steve Perry was in the band?"

He didn't know that SP wasn't an original member.

Then again, neither was Johnathan Cain.

Even Steve Smith, I want to say, was their 3rd drummer. Get this, Prairie Prince was their first drummer!

It's funny when you look at how many of those band members have teamed up in other bands together.

Interesting stuff.

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.