Is it just me? Since getting a laptop and going mobile in 2005, I have shared the program (the idea, not the software) and my creations with others. I have used the Jukebox and the chord sheet to do lightning jams with friends. I have created songs and edited them on the fly to demonstrate its ease of use. I have done all of this through good synths so as not to get the snark about how cheesy it sounds.

Never once has anyone said, "Cool, I'll give it a look," or, "That was great, I went ahead and bought it!" The responses have been 100% negative, ranging from "I'd rather do it by hand," to "that's cheating," to "I tried it once, it's a toy," to an outright insult: "I bet you're the best accordion player in your trailer park." (WTF?)

Any thoughts on my experience? I am almost hesitant to bring it up now. (I do have fun when people ask how I made something that sounds good. I just say I have a secret weapon.) cool

What about you? Who has had any luck in persuasion? How did you do that? Or is it the same for everyone?

Enquiring minds want to know.


"My primary musical instrument is the personal computer."