I think the reasons branch out in a lot of different directions, most of them based on personal preference and prejudice. Somebody who has acquired great skill with a coping saw might thing that using a jigsaw is cheating... but they're just different tools that help the craftsman in similar yet different ways.

My current take on the matter is to regard the misconceptions and/or narrow-mindedness of others as being THEIR problem, not mine. If the tool works for you, use it whole-heartedly. Other people are using the tools they like.

Whether the topic is religion, politics or music software, people seem highly resistant to other peoples' preferences and I don't expect that to change any time soon.

In respect for PGMusic, I acknowledge the use of the software any time I use it, and if people like what they hear, they can take it from there. Evangelizing my preferences has never worked out well for me, no matter what the topic happened to be. So at its core, I think this is less of a BIAB thang and more of a "resistance to other peoples' preferences" thang.

Or not. That just my opinion, and you are free to have a different one. ;-)