Rather than trying to turn the vocals up.... perhaps turn the other things down. You should be able to control the volume at every stage of the process in a good DAW.

Thanks for the reply Herb. This is what I was asking about, how to do that. Remember this is a midi file and I'm simply working with the Forte DXi for now. I have ST3 and several hardware synths I can use for the midi tracks. Due to time constraints all I was doing was capturing her vocals. The midi tracks can all be changed later which is why I didn't bother rendering them to audio at this point. If I had known I would be having this problem I could have rearranged the space to hook up one of my keyboards for midi and simply turn down the master volume on the keyboard itself but with the Forte softsynth, where's the master volume? I don't know about other DAW's but RB only allows you to sub audio tracks, not midi ones.

As far as recording the vocals hotter to start with, she's a very powerful singer and these tunes are power ballads, the dynamic range of her voice is quite large which is why I had to keep the input trimmed low.

You know how you think you have something ready and then find out it's not? I'm using a new Win 10 system and I've been using my Sonic Cell as the audio interface for at least 5 years but had not set it up yet. Guess what? The Win 8.1 64 bit driver will not work with Win 10 and Roland has said there are no more updates. Nice. Another $500 piece of kit out the window. I've read about some hacks that supposedly work but I had no time for that.

I had to run over to Sam Ash while she was eating lunch and I picked up a Steinberg UR22 MkII interface and I'm using that ASIO driver which loaded up and works fine. I will say at first blush it's impressive. The physical case is very solid and heavy, it simply plugged in and it works.

You're thinking that the drum track midi notes being so tiny doesn't matter? I have no idea about that it's just out of all the dozens (hundreds?) of midi drum tracks I've seen I've never seen this before. I mean those drum midi notes are literally tiny little fly specks. My mouse's resolution isn't fine enough to even capture one.

You're comment about buffer settings is a good one. I have it set at a relative mild 256 samples, I can easily try a higher setting to test that.


Biab/RB latest build, Win 11 Pro, Ryzen 5 5600 G, 512 Gig SSD, 16 Gigs Ram, Steinberg UR22 MkII, Roland Sonic Cell, Kurzweil PC3, Hammond SK1, Korg PA3XPro, Garritan JABB, Hypercanvas, Sampletank 3, more.