Originally Posted By: rharv
Most of the ones I use do also, and yes there is the track volume, but he is using the synth on multiple tracks so each would have to be adjusted.
On Forte you can right-click on the display and select EQ and Volume .. but it's about the same as using the Trim in the previous step.

It's been a while (several years) since I used a multi channel synth since I now work almost exclusively with audio tracks. TTS is the one I have.

As I recall, (IIRC) TTS not only has a master synth volume, but it also has channel volume for each of the 16 channels and then there is still the host DAW track volume controls, buss volume and master volume. That's up to 5 volume controls that let you do what you need regarding the levels of the various tracks and channels.


This is where it's really helpful to have a good DAW that allows easy drawing of volume envelopes. No matter what the levels are coming out of the synth and (within reason of course) before the track channels in the DAW, the track volume is the determining factor in the volume you hear.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 11/18/16 03:14 AM.

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