Originally Posted By: rockstar_not
Joanne, how many independent outs do you have on your sound-card?

I play 2-3 times/month at church; either on electric guitar, electric bass, or Hammond & keys.

We play to a click track, and on some songs, the worship leader will also add in some pre-recorded synth tracks that play through the mains.

In addition to the click, he will also put in some verbal cues (which we call Siri!) on song section changes, where there is a change in feel (all in!), etc.

It seems like you should be able to do with BIAB, if you can send individual tracks to individual outs of your soundcard. Perhaps even L/R separation.

He has all of our songs memorized, but then again, it's his job. I have about 1/4 of our songs memorized.

Prior worship leader would occasionally use his iPad with OnSong with autoscrolling. He really liked it - mostly when it was just him leading and no band backup.

Hi Scott. This sounds like higher grade stuff to me. Are you taking about having the prompts and the click track coming out of the monitors while you are playing? If so, unfortunately the types of gigs I am playing I am the singer, the guitarist, the sound engineer and the general groupie (and sometimes even the audiencegrin )

LyricLab A.I assisted chords and lyric app. Export lyrics and import directly into Band-in-a-Box 2024.
Play-along with songs you know and love, download SGU files