Originally Posted By: Skyline
Very cool indeed Dave, love it. Great guitar work. Great song, powerful sounds.

As you can already see, different ears offer different tweaks! My ears are old, so that influences my small comments on the mix. I found the lead vocal muffled and would up the EQ 'air' at around 12kHz to put a bit of sparkle there. The bass is too quiet compared to the very aggressive kick drum, it sounded a bit like the band had left the drummer to do the mix! I'd try and match them a bit more.

Good stuff.

Thanks John! Yeah, lots of opinions, all of which I value!

The aggressive kick is on purpose, I heard Joe Bonamassa use it on a slow blues and I thought it was really effective. But yeah, bass didn't quite match smile

I have just uploaded a new mix based on some of the comments, added some eq to the bass, also brought it up slightly in the mix. Also backed off on the reverb used on the lead guitar and brought it up slightly in the mix.

Getting there I think! Thanks again to everyone that commented smile