As others have mentioned, the answer is, for the most part, "no".

Guitars as well as some other instruments such as horns and reeds, tend to not sound very realistic in Midi. Although that is getting better. However, the synths that can do that are fairly costly and have a learning curve.

For the time being and with low budgets, it's best to ask a friend to help lay down the track.

In this and other recording forums, you can easily find a guitarist willing to play the track for a small consideration. It could be money, swapping skills if you can sing or play another instrument for one of their projects, and some will do it just for grins to have some fun as long as the use is non-commercial.

The best way to garner interest is to get the song figured out, and then post a draft copy in the User Showcase stating that you'd like to have someone play the guitar part. That way, people can hear the tune, decide if it's something they want to do and PM you to get the ball rolling.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.