This definitely seems to be a conundrum, especially with the fact that it runs with 2016 (which means it is installed properly).

Did you do a fresh install of BIAB2017, or did you install over the top of your 2016 version.

This is not required, but here's what I do with each new version of BIAB.

1. Backup the BIAB and RealBand folders (my RTs and RDs are in a different location, so I just add the new stuff to those folders). I usually just click on the BIAB folder (on my computer it's D:\Apps\PGMusic\BIAB) and hit copy, then paste in the same location. Once copied (it takes awhile because it's large), I then rename the resulting "BIAB - Copy" to "BIAB2016". Likewise for RealBand.

2. Install the new version on top of the original BIAB folder. The only thing I deselect is the PDF driver (and previously SampleTank, since I have the full version of SampleTank already installed).

3. Run the new program. It has always worked fine and all my synths and effects are already listed as they were in the previous version.

If you have no luck, then maybe one of us can initiate a remote access session to figure out what is going on.

I also just had a thought, which probably isn't it, but I wonder if the problem has to do with German versus English version. I know there have been a few problems associated with that (which get fixed when reported). I'm not sure of the process to (temporarily) set your system to English, but that may be something to try. One of our other international friends may have the commands to do that. Just trying to think out of the box to help.


Laptop-HP Omen I7 Win11Pro 32GB 2x2TB, 1x4TB SSD
Desktop-ASUS-I7 Win10Pro 32GB 2x1.5TB, 2x2TB, 1x4TB SATA

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