Originally Posted By: musiclover
Not sure if the right way to go about the expansion was to actually add before checkout on the main promotion then it might have been zero cost.

Anyways I emailed them and will see how it goes.

I did get a snap shot of the promotion regarding the free expansion add on.


It is not necessary to add anything to your order to get the free expansion. When you make the purchase, Sweetwater sends you a registration code (via email). You then log on to the Toontracks site and register the product - and download from there. The code "includes" any free stuff (expansion packs). Once you register the original purchase, Toontrack adds the Free expansion pack to your list of software - on their site - and you go to it to make your selection and download from there.

Good that you got the snapshot. Sweetwater is a great company - much like PGMusic - they should "work with you" - THEY advertised it....

(The web guy might not have a job come New Year's...)