When the video opened with an aerial view of the beach, accompanied by a solitary guitar , I knew it was going to be good in the way that your productions always are.

You both have your fingers squarely on the pulse of a discerning audience, and you know how to raise the excitement level of your listeners by starting out good and then ramping it all up to the next level.

I liked the ramp up at the 1:30 mark when the pedal steel came in and the ambient background appeared. Very nice!

Meanwhile, the video masterfully and tastefully complemented the audio, making the whole presentation better than the sum of its parts.

I agree that the key you chose for the song resulted in a powerful performance from both of you.. but I'm curious to know why you didn't choose a key you felt more comfortable with. Was it because that key was the only one that put both of your parts in range at the same time?

As we end the year, let me thank you both for all the wonderful music you have presented her in this forum, and for the support you've shown for all of the other forum participants during 2016. You are among the elite as far as I'm concerned.