That was it, Noel. Once I rolled back to 545 audio returned AND the screen/mixer is 2017.

Also, thanks to both Harv and Ian for your input. I checked the sound controller per your suggestion and it was set up properly. Great suggestion on posting at the Windows forum, Ian. I should have gone there first. I think I was hyperventilating, thinking I'd screwed it up and might have to wait until Tuesday for tech help if this forum couldn't solve things for me. (I'm still having issues with the upgrade on my desktop and have been working with tech support for a week, so confidence was low.)

Maybe a future patch will help me, but for now things are peachy.

And remember; there is no such things as too much pie. Merry Christmas to all.



BIAB 2017 Ultra
Windows 8 and 10
Scarlet 18i8
Reaper and Mixpad