Originally Posted By: props2
Thanks guys for your input. Calkwalk is probably the way I should go, because I need to learn. At the same time I am in the camp of "I hate to buys tools twice". Its a sickness of mine. I don't mind spending the money if it really works for me.I have looked at Kontakt and was intrigued by it,but I dont know what I dont know.I have not done any recording...heck I dont even have an interface yet,as I am still learning about those. My primary interest is making quality backing tracks. BIAB has been great at getting me hooked in this stuff. Sheesh...its never going to end,is it? Guys, thanks again for taking your time to help out. I will take everyone's advise and try to make an informed decision. Maybe hardware has to come into play??

You make a few good points here..... Getting Cakewalk Music Creator also gives you a fully functional DAW to use for mixing. It's very easy to learn and use. Your last line is so very important.

Yes... you should also be looking at hardware if you are going to be more than just a casual user. And from your interest in better quality synths, it sounds like you are planning to get deeper into this home recording thing.

Absolutely, you want to be looking at the USB based interfaces which have the required number of inputs you need..... most home studio guys and gals can easily get by with a simple two input interface. Also be sure it has phantom power for condenser mics, and that it uses ASIO as it's driver. Avoid the multi-function gizmos and buy a solid, dedicated, musical interface.

That is one decision you will not regret. Get a good one because it's the heart of your studio and a good interface will last you for years and provide superb service and make the recording process easy.

BTW: Here's the bundles Cake is offering now> https://shop.cakewalk.com/1244/catalog/category.60467/language.en/currency.USD/?id=NZvnDnncNy we haven't mentioned this but it also includes the complete STUDIO INSTRUMENTS synth/samples as well. To avoid buying things twice... just get the complete package for $150 and you're good to go. Great DAW, CSC with all the packs, TTS, and SI complete package. Spend another $150 to $250 on the interface and you're all set.....

....of course then you'll need mics, studio monitors, cords, and lava lamps..... dang... this can get expensive fast.

Last edited by Guitarhacker; 01/09/17 03:10 AM.

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Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.