You could spend a long time trying to get a Yamaha to sound the same as a Roland (especially if tinkering with LFOs and different filters and looping), even if you loaded the exact same sample in each.

If you are trying to copy exact settings from a different synth you will spend a lot of wasted time.
Better to get to know your own synth; what this dial does, what that slider does, etc.

There will be some correlation (hi-pass filter is a high-pass filter, but at what frequency is it's 'home' point for yours compared to his etc etc).
In theory, playing with the same controls should get you close to the same effect, but counting on any given settings for these controls between synths will be a frustrating road.
Another reason; the range of adjustment may be -120 thru +120 on one synth and -12 thru +12 on another.

If his video says 'I loaded this sample, then did A and B'; your best chance of success is to load the same sample, then try adjusting A and B on your synth until it gets close as it is going to get. Note I said the same sample, not one with a similar name.
He may be affecting parts of his sample that don't even exist in your sample otherwise!

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome