One more before I go to do what must be done......

The same band with the girlfriends vs wives.....

We had another gig booked just a few weekends later.... way out on Harker's Island. Think Outer Banks NC area.

So we get out there and set up.... show starts at 9pm. The singer/rhythm guitarist, isn't there at 8:55pm.... this was before cell phones. So the guys were scrambling... trying to call his house... no one answers. 9pm comes.... 9:15 comes and the manager is getting on our case... TIME TO START PLAYING BOYS!!!

Here was the problem. The singer sang 100% of the songs. No one else sang the leads... just a few harmonies here and there. I was still new and hadn't played the songs enough to know them well, and had mostly been hired to play leads and fills so I never, to that point, had played the rhythm parts.

Glen, the bass player said we can't NOT play this gig, we need the money.... Danny, the drummer knows the words since he sings along all the time, he can sing the leads. Herb, you follow me, I'll tell you about things before they happen.... chords, breaks, modulations... follow me....

So we played the night.... it was a long night since we were all out of our element....and we had to take up a lot of time.... it was actually good for us. It was where we started to develop our stage show.... In the song Kawliga, for example.... the song is a 2:30 song.... but Danny picked up his floor tom, jumped onto the dance floor and I grabbed a drum stick and we played that drum and banged on my guitar with the stick for 5 minutes... the audience loved it. We did similar off the wall impulse things that later became part of our unique stage show.... Danny could barely talk at the end of the night but that was the true beginning of our band.

As for Dail the singer..... earlier that week, he had gone around town to various musicians and asked to borrow guitar amps, bass amps, instruments, he went to another and borrowed a PA system and loaded them up in his car and took off to Ohio to join his brothers in a band they were putting together. He never came back to NC and no one ever got their gear back.

You can find my music at:
Add nothing that adds nothing to the music.
You can make excuses or you can make progress but not both.

The magic you are looking for is in the work you are avoiding.