Originally Posted By: Don Gaynor
I'm from the WWII era when making music as a family was more common. We didn't have TV until I was 14. Listening to radio while huddled as a family WAS our main source of entertainment.

We would entertain ourselves by singing and playing guitar or mandolin. I think that folks today have more entertainment options so home-brew music has fallen off sharply in recent decades.

We made our own 'instuments' such as a salt box partially filled with rice or dried beans for a shaker.

Technology has stolen much of those joyous memories.


I'm with you on that! My dad came from a family that grew up on a farm. A larger family that had 14 kids. To this day, they still meet every Sat morning in the "milkhouse." It's not really that now, but once was. It's not uncommon for guitars to start playing and a sing-a-long happens...and dancing.

Thanks for sharing that. I absolutely love hearing of simpler times. I miss it, and wasn't even there!

Thanks Donny!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.