Originally Posted By: PeterGannon
You've been getting pitched 15-30 demos a week since pre-internet days? That's about 30 years.

No. I apologize if that's what I said. I thought I had indicated that that was more recent. I used to MAYBE get 1-2 a week. And some weeks I wouldn't get any at all. That was because when I first started, my market for work AND for talent was right were I lived! LOL I don't live in a big city or anything either!

That has been since people got much more active on social media and networking. NOT 30 years by a LOOOOONG shot!

Let's take the low end of that, which is 15 demos x 52 weeks x 30 years. That's about 25,000 demos! My question is, most people making jingles would have, by now, found some good artists that they work with regulariily, and wouldn't be spending so much time still searching by being 'pitched' demos from strangers. We are talking about jingles here... not songs?

I explained the numbers above, and I hope that clarified it. So not anywhere near 25,000 demos! Not. At. All. smile

I have found A LOT of artists I love to work with. I would say I have a roster of a little over 500 to work with. Those, are singers, guitarists, bass, drums, studio engineers...you name it. Some are better than others. Many times budget dictates the caliber of talent I get to use.

Another HUGE factor for me is if they need to have to have a specific sound. As an example, years ago I had a jeweler who loved the song "The Search Is Over" by the band Survivor. He said he would do anything to get that sound. I was lucky enough to know a guy out of Memphis that worked with Jim Jamison. I had opened for Jim (not Survivor) which was just enough to get me in the door with him. He sang one of my jingles! It was a total high point for me. I had him sing a total of 3 for me over the years. I miss that he is gone.

So people come, and people go. Just because they have a sound, doesn't mean it works for everything. People who sound like Janice Joplin can't necessarily sound like Britney Spears. Also, male and female are two, obviously, different sounds.

Now ad in those who can record from a personal studio, and those that have to go to one. There are many variables that come into play...especially when you work on tight deadlines at times.

Many times because of tours, people are available at some points, and not at others.

I have my people that are my "go to" people. They are proven reliable, fast, and accurate...and available at the time I need them.

Now multiply that by the number of people needed for any given project.

I also have to go outside of that box to get something specific, and it's easier to know what available BEFORE you need it, then to be desperate. At least that's my take.

This also brings up something that I don't think people consider. I would guess about half of those that I get are from non-English speaking countries, or it's not their native language. This can present a problem in both pronunciation of sung words or sometimes even basic communication. This is not to say they aren't talented...they very much are. But singers especially, many times can't be used. The internet has opened up a whole new world! smile

For example, lots of businesses have graphic artists that they work with, maybe a few for different scenarios. So they find good people and stick with them. They don't find themselves getting pitched by 15-30 new graphic artists a week looking for work and responding to them, and being surprised that some of them are not that talented.

Indeed. But I think that's apples to oranges. There's a good chance a guitarist or graphic artist may be able to do something that someone else can do...copy a "style." But again, with singing, it's has a uniqueness to it. As great as Berry White was he wouldn't "sound like" Steve Perry...or visa versa...or Cindy Laupar. Guitars a a bit more masking of the sexes...as is graphic arts.

As far as me being surprised that some are not that talented...that wasn't my point. My point was THEY don't seem to realize it.

Again, there is NOTHING wrong with not being able to sing. I CAN'T! But I'm not asking people to hire me to do it either. If I did, and they didn't...I would know why. I wouldn't have to ask. If I did need to know, I wouldn't say they don't know what they're talking about. I would listen. If I disagreed, so be it. I would see if there was any merit in it; but grow from it.

For what it's worth, that's why I love BIAB. It allows me to put together things fast, and well. That's hard to beat in my book!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.