Many thanks for all your replies. Your input has helped me make my descision and I am now the proud owner of the ultra plus pak!!
I expect I will be using this forum a lot to pick the brains of you Muzzo vets. Looking at the programme makes my head explode, by the way it took about 17 hours to download all the files!!
Thanks to Noel and Matt for the link whcih also helped and for your info Jacko, I am english living in Bulgaria.

While I am here replying to you all, I wish to find a good tutorial on how to make 6/8 time with BIAB/RB
I have written a song and the beat is 6/8 time and my search across youtube has not yet revealed any tutorial that I can understand.
This is typical me of starting at the deep end as it were. I am also busy writing a country song in 4/4 time to help me get into BIAB more gently.
Once again many thanks for your replies and to point me to the correct thread to ask the questin about 6/8 time.

Last edited by Yorkshireknight; 01/30/17 10:29 PM.

BIAB/Realband Ultra plus Pak.2017(3)Intel i7,16GB Ram, 250 GB SSD,2TB HD. Mixcraft 7,Line6 ux2, axiom 49,NT1 mic