Dear "guitarhacker"...

You know, I always thought a "noise floor" was what I got from my neighbors living in the apartment beneath mine... jes' kiddin! smirk

Seriously, though, I understood your observation on panning percentages since my DAW indicates those numbers graphically.

Regarding your perception of the vocal track sounding "a bit too far back in the mix," I received that track as a separate *.wav file from the vocalist, Ms. Courtney Grace, so I'll play with that and see what happens...

You mentioned "cans." Would it be correct for me assume that you were referring to a type of speaker?

I understand (I think) what you were describing when you used the term "white noise" in reference to the tremolo strings. Is that the same thing as "artifacts?" Regardless, it could have been the result of me time-stretching that track near the end to extend the amount of time it would take to fade it out to my satisfaction.

For someone as busy making music as your voluminous posts seem to indicate, I am humbled by the fact that you took the time out of your day/life/schedule to listen to the song and respond to my request for help. I mean that, "guitarhacker"! Straight, no chaser. Cross muh heart an' hope t' die. Well, maybe not just right this moment... laugh

Thank you, sir!

Sincerely, respectfully, and whatever else would apply,


"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".