Hi everyone,

I'm planning to buy a Rode NT1 and a Yamaha MG10 mixer for voice over recording, but I'm not sure how to set it up properly in order to use it with my pc.

I'm currently using an Asus Xonar Essence STX with a pair of beyerdynamic DT 990 PRO plugged into the headphone out, what I was wondering was whether the two RCA ports on the Xonar would suffice for recording the mic + mixer effects, while keeping the headphones directly plugged into the sound card, or if I need 2 more RCA that go back into the mixer from the pc and thus some kind of audio interface (though for that price I think I'd be better off buying a mg10xu).

I'm open to suggestions, so feel free to propose a better configuration for around the same budget, if you have one in mind.

Tl;dr: Can I connect that mixer to the sound card? If yes, how?

P.s: sorry if this isn't the right category.