First of all, I don't have any finished song yet. under the Island Soul name yet. I'm most likley the only member on here that doesn't use BIAB to write origianal music. I manily use it to write backing tracks for my steel pan gigs, as I'm mainly a proformer, not a songwriter, I would like that to change one day. Again thanks for the complements, but those go to out to all the hard work in college for my production degree, and my God given music talent. As someone who as both the experience as a musician and an engineer I understand both sides equally. Both sides play there role in achieving the final song that everyone ends up hearing. Now I need to get back to making music annd stop replying to this form.

Computer: Macbook Pro, 16 inch 2021
DAWs: Pro Tools, Logic, and Maschine
plays drums, percussion, bass, steel pan, keyboard,
music producer/engineer