Originally Posted By: Will B - PG Music
Wonderful right, and Janice's voice really is a perfect fit. I thought your guitar was a RealTrack for the first little bit, too smile Awesome stuff!

Thanks Will! That was very nice.


Originally Posted By: dani48
Hi, Bud & Janice !

What a song ! WOW !
loved the groove
and Janice´s voice
is just made for it !:))


Thank you Dani. This was a LOT of fun!

Originally Posted By: JoanneCooper
Hi Peter, Leon, Janice and bud. From the title I was expecting a shania twain type thing and although by very different form these I was not dissapointed. Janice's vocal as usual brings the song to life so beautifully. A great piece of writing and wonderful production,

Joanne, thanks listening and saying that. Bud and I have been really enjoying your FAWN journey!
