Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud

In 1965 - 1966 if you had a van with your band name on the side in "fancy" letters, some friend who was a roadie wannabe, and some sharp clothes, maybe some glittery Kustom amps and a shiny Farfisa organ then you were rock stars -- really. Oh and make sure you had a raised drum stand smile Ours was 2x4's, plywood and wingnuts for quick assembly. Rent a gym in a small town, pay the DJ a percent of the door to play your 45 for a week before and the kids poured in...$500-700 after expenses was common. But for frats and clubs $300 was about all we could ever get.

That sounds so fun...for my younger self! lol Those seem like "golden times" to me.

But you are right that money went a LOT further. I'd go by the bank on Friday, withdraw $20 and have money left over after the weekend. Gas was 30 cents a gallon, etc. Had it not been for the draft I would have dropped out of college in a heartbeat and made all the $ I could.

I was curious about that because I ran your rates on an inflation calculator and it seemed like a decent amount of money to me!

A friend and I rented a recording studio in block times and recorded small bands for a set price. We offered them all the studio time it took to get an A and a B side and 500 45's to take with them. I forget exactly what we charged but we made a good bit doing that.

Ok, THAT is cool! You were there in best of times for that kind of thing. I'm envious!

Who knows, had I been able to stay on that journey it would likely have been a heckuva lot more interesting than 35 years in the hospital admin business -- on the other hand I have a retirement income smile

Hey, hospital admin are the rockstars of the health industry, right?

Plus, I always assumed bands to all have strong 401k and retirement plans. Isn't that what most people at that age are diligent about? wink

I have to say, I love hearing this type of thing. Those times just seem so carefree...not the draft part. Just the living music part!

Thanks for expanding on that for me!

Chad (Hope that makes it easier)

TEMPO TANTRUM: What a lead singer has when they can't stay in time.