How long ago was that Dave, because you don't look a whole lot different now.

I'd be afraid to see me from back in the day, which I believe was a Thursday, because it make the old gray bearded guy feel even older. Besides, I always look mad when I play, and people ask me about it all the time. And I always tell them it's just that 75% of the time I am reading a chart and focusing so my ADD doesn't let me get lost.

Side comment: I once got a call at like 4 in the afternoon to play a wedding on a Saturday night. I went to the gig and they had been requested to do Endless Love as that annoying 20 minute thing where everybody in the room is introduced and they dance with the bride for 20 seconds. Well, they gave me this chart and asked me to sight read it. Okay fine. They handed me the stack of pages and I spread them out left to right as they came off the stack. We started playing, and the chart took me WAY into left field. Page 4 and 7 had been switched. Fortunately I knew the song (albeit in a different key) well enough to sing along in my head and know that at that point it did NOT go to the bridge.

Ah.... "the day".....

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.