Hi, Matt! Much appreciate your reply, as it's prescient and spot on, though not encouraging, as I feared. You do very much get the dilemma!

I did look around a lot, read conversations all over the place about tweaking, and will look around more here, as time permits, but there is that which is, perhaps, an unrealistic goal of avoiding having to be a sound engineer. And I am mystified what's on the page is not that complex, as alluded to, a plethora of electronic parameters not cognized by a performer, that it doesn't seem some things should need post-processing by the user, with the score that is simple and explicit, the instrument what it is, but they can't really put that instrument in an homogenous electronic box, short of thousands in software, or, for all I know, hardware, too? Empathize with woodwinds that can be the pits, also.

Thank you much for the welcome and answer that reflects a reality it's enlightening you also see, from a standpoint of, surely, more experience.