"Torrey Bliss"...

"We are all a part of God's family
And I need you as much as you need me..."

Boy, would I ever love to blast this out of my speakers as I cruise down the highway! Bet I'd get a whole bunch of approving honks and "beep-beeps" from my brothers and sisters on the road!

"Torrey", anyone who would devote the time required to turn out a musical production with such a spiritually bonding and unifying message, and at the level of energy that your musicianship indicates, surely must be making a big difference in this wild -- and sometimes wobbly -- world.

I like the way the song explodes into being and drives hard until the change in tempo at around the 2:45 mark, and then revs-up again around 3:20. That short cessation of sound and rhythm is like a small benediction that allows the listener(s) to revel quietly in the peaceable thoughts that your lyrics inspire.

Of course, the title says it all, but the music surely helps!

Thanks for passing the goodwill on to us, Mr. Bliss!


LOREN (a.k.a. "bluage")

"Music is what feelings sound like."-- borrowed from a Cakewalk Music Creator forum member, "Mamabear".