Originally Posted By: Guitarhacker
Your problem is self inflicted.

This is not surprising.

>>You are using 2 soundcards. One for input ... the KS88 and then you use the MS wavetable as the output.

Am I? The KS88 has no sound card, it's just an input device, if I understand what you mean be "sound card" and also what the Keystation 88 is all about.

>>You really need to find ONE interface/card, which can support both in and out from the same card.

I'm not 100% sure I'm using ANY sound card, to be honest. You say, "hey, dsbw, you must be using SOME sound card 'cause, you know, you have sound!" But if the in is a sound-card-less KS88 and the out is the Microsoft GS Wavetable synth—which is a softsynth, IIRC—then I'm using as little sound card as it's possible to use, it seems to me.

>>I'd lay a bet that there is no clock sync between the 2 cards you are using. Since they both run at approximately the same clock speed, they start at the same time but the non-synced clocks soon start to wander out of sync and there you have it. The further you go, the worse it gets.<<

I like this explanation because I understand it, generally, if not which 2 cards are involved here.

Anyway, I plugged in my kid's keyboard and found that it lagged (noticably, since it DOES have a built-in synth) and that led to a solution.