Originally Posted By: beatmaster
time to get a midi keyboard. Any input as to what others have done would be great.

I have no idea what your music taste/goals are or what level of song writing/recording your are trying to achieve.

My personal take...knowing what I know now and all the options available I would just go with a simple midi keyboard controller without all the onboard sounds or midi sequences.
IE: Roland A-49 Keyboard Controller - Black

For the patches/sounds I would buy modules (flat black boxes) that cater to the kind of music I want to play or record.
IE: although dated, I have and still use the:
Roland JV-30 (1994 - as a controller only - all sound oscillators died some time ago)
Roland MBD-1
Roland MVS-1
Proteus FX
(These can be gotten used pretty cheap.)

Or....forget the modules, save real estate and just buy the VST programs of your choice....there's likely hundreds to audition and choose from.

I would not steer anyone to a pricey keyboard workstation with all the built-in patches/bell/whistles unless you're rolling in buckaroos.
If you are actually a gigging musician then these suggestions may not be applicable.

But....that's just me.
Hope that helps.

Do some research....choice is yours...good luck.

Last edited by chulaivet1966; 06/07/17 11:51 AM.