I started a thread on this forum a few years back asking 'is the guitar dead?' or something to that effect. I thought so then, no one else here did, and I think so now. I use FL Studio as my DAW, along with a couple of others, and if you go on the forums there you see very, very few guitar songs. I even hear some of the guys there comment that they hate guitars. Computer music is the wave of the future or technology, IMO. And I like a lot of it (for an old fart) and like to write it, too.

Pop music is about the singers and dancers and there's no guitars anymore. All the music is mostly keyboards and programmed music. R&R is long dead except for us old timers. We're a dying breed. I love old country music and it's dead, too. But everything dies and fads come and go. Maybe we'll have a resurgence (right and I'm going to be 18 again).

Country music is leaving a lot of strings behind also, it seems, like steel, fiddle, mandolin, banjo, etc. I went to Billboard website just to see what country music was doing these days and of the songs I listened to I heard only guitar, bass and drums.

Mario said that the guitar companies are pricing themselves out of business and I agree. The last two guitars I bought were a Squier Strat and a Squier Tele (hollow body). They tune and play just as well as, to me, as the more expensive Strat's and Tele's. They sound as good as well to me. But what's a guitar body or neck got to do with sound these days when everything you're playing through is electronic and it controls the sound? And at 72, I don't think I'm going to hit the big time anyway. So, as they say, only change is constant.

"The desire for fame is the last infirmity cast off even by the wise."
Cornelius Tacitus