
This is excellent news. It seems to me that you've isolated that either the ASIO driver is at fault or there is something about the SEQ you loaded that is causing the problem. It is also possible that one of the plugins that PT reads (and is probably present in the SEQ) is faulty and causing misery.

(i) What are you soundcard details?
(ii) What ASIO driver are you running?

(i) What plugins are active (VST, DX, VSTi, DXi)?
(ii) If you save a second copy of this SEQ file and then remove all the plugins, does the problem still exist?

Can you please grab a screen shot of the plugins that load with PT. The top image below shows the effects plugins and lower image shows the softsyth plugins. (I only have the softsynth Coyote WT available for PT.)


Your experience with ASIO and the SEQ file aligns with my thinking in that there is something about your particular system, setup or songfile that is uniquely troublesome. As you can see by reading back through this forum, you are the only person, in recent times, who is having continued grief and no-one else is presently experiencing any of the many problems that you are.

ASIO-related problems can happen because not all ASIO drivers are the same. I know from being on these forums for quite a while that some ASIO drivers work fine with PG Music software and some do not. (In my own case, I have Creative ASIO drivers for my Audigy 2 card and while these work fine with Reaper, they are not co-operative with Realband, Power Tracks nor Band In A Box.)

Firstly, do you need ASIO? Is there any reason that this is preferred over MME? ASIO's main use is in recording because it reduces lag. For playback or for working with already-created audio and midi, MME is fine. I use MME pretty much all the time.

To help isolate your problem through further testing, go to the link below and download ASIO4ALL and it install it. This is a program that PG Music recommend because it is friendly with their products.

Once ASIO4ALL is installed...

1. Delete the folder that was your pristine copy.

2. Re-install a brand new, pristine version of the program accepting all defaults. Do not change any of these defaults.

Now run the following tests, in the order that's given below, using the pristine version of PT....

1. Create a new piano track and play with it for a while (with all default settings active). What happens?

2. Change to ASIO4ALL driver and continue to play with the piano track from #1. What happens.

3. Switch to your soundcard's ASIO drivers and play with the piano track from #1. What happens?

4. Return to the MME driver. Play with the piano track. Does it still work ok?

5. Load your SEQ. With the MME driver still running, does PT still play ok?

6. Select ASIO4ALL as the ASIO driver and see if PT tracks still works correctly.

7. Select your soundcard's ASIO driver and see if PT functions correctly. Does it?

We seem to be getting somewhere now. (I'll keep my fingers crossed!)

All the best,

Attached Files (Click to download or enlarge) (Only available when you are logged in)
VST list.jpg (135.83 KB, 50 downloads)
IMAGE 1... list of effects plugins
softsynth list.JPG (47.04 KB, 50 downloads)
IMAGE 2... list of softsynths available to Powertracks.

Audiophile BIAB 2024